Advanced Design Technology Ltd. (ADT)

ADT will use its extensive experience and proprietary software tools to design and optimise the blades and meridional profile of the Rim-Driven, Contra-Rotating Pump-asTurbine (PaT) as well as the Bulb Reversible Unit. In addition, ADT will lead WP7: Exploitation and Dissemination.
Read moreChalmers Tekniska Högskola (CHALMERS)

Chalmers is responsible for developing and validating the required numerical methods in an open source CFD software, as well as using the software to study and optimize the technologies under relevant conditions.
Read moreIHE Delft Institute for Water Education (IHE Delft)

IHE will be involved in the design of the civil structures with innovative solutions in sectors reservoir sealing, weirs and water transport. Additionally, IHE staff experience in fields of hydraulic, sediment transport and advanced hydraulic numerical modelling will be used.
Read moreNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

NTNU will be the leader of WP2 working on the design of the mechanical components. Furthermore, a researcher will be employed for 36 PMs, specifically working on the Ronamic technology, and scalability and cost of the full scale prototypes.
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TU Braunschweig is involved in a number of work packages in the proposed project. Within these work packages, TU Braunschweig uses expertise from the electrical engineering and the civil engineering faculty. One role is site assessment and experimental testing of pumped storage implementations. The second role is assessing grid stability and effects.
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TU Delft is coordinator of the proposed project. Within work packages, TU Delft has two roles. One role is site assessment and civil design of pumped storage implementations. The second role is optimizing storage strategy for lowest cost.
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Tuscia University is involved in Work Package 2 in a literature study on fish mortality and migration patterns, linking this to the technologies investigated in this project, in Work Package 4 in monitoring of fish mortality, stress levels and behavior and in Work Package 5 in the assessment of environmental issues for the commissioning of low-head hydropower plants and Geographical Information System Tool implementation (environmental data).
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University of Stuttgart is involved in site assessment (civil structures), conceptual design of hydropower scheme dealing with existing structures and new constructions in different ambient conditions (e.g. topology, infrastructure, construction specification) as well as in measurements of structural machine related parameters as input for numerical simulations.
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UPPA is involved in the site assessment studies to identify potential sites for pump storage implementations.
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The activities of UGent in this project are related to the PTO. More specifically, an advanced high-efficient axial flux permanent magnet synchronous generator will be developed and a scale-model will be constructed for lab testing. A full multi-dimensional model-based predictive control system for the machine-side will be developed which is capable of controlling the turbine and PTO to track the power reference as desired by the grid-side control.
Read moreUppsala Universitet (UU)

The people at Uppsala University will be involved in the PTO of the device. Ensuring an efficient and minimal control of the inverters to reduce the mechanical forces and on the turbine and generator/motor unit, at the same time not overstressing the capacitor DC-bus.
Smart choice of power electronic components and regulator settings will ensure safe and smooth operation and control of the device.
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