Map View: France

The results from the site identification for the benchmark case in the French EEZ (North Sea) are presented. The analysis of geospatial and use-specific data results in two potential sites for the investigated area.

For a full screen view of the map, click here.

Identification Method

The EEZ of France is scanned by an automated search routine [[1], (Prasasti)] which is divided into a geospatial and a use based module. The systematic search is optimizing the geospatial conditions and subtracting areas with use-specific constraints at the EEZ space. The suitable water depth is a key factor for the operation and construction of a LH-PHES. Areas that are reserved for environmental protection purposes are highlighted. Furthermore, the vicinity to marine energy projects such as offshore wind farms offers synergies for planning, commissioning and operation.


The results of the site identification process in the French EEZ show two main potential sites. Besides the water depth, the environmentally protected areas, the distance to shore and indications on suitable soil conditions, e.g. rock and consolidated clay are further key factors.

Data Sources

All map layers were created through the processing of publicly accessible datasets by the contributing partners of the ALPHEUS H2020 project. References to the underlying datasets are given in the table below.

Layer NamePublisherData Set NameData Source
Water depth suitabilityEMODnetBathymetry
[Accessed 22 09 2023].
Navigation RoutesShomTraffic separation scheme
[Accessed 18 03 2024].
Navigation RoutesEMODnet,
Collecte Localisation Satellites
Human Activities,
Vessel Density Map
[Accessed 31 10 2023].
MilitaryCeremaCH4 Réglementation militairePlanification des espaces maritimes – carte des vocations [2019].
CablesShomSubmarine Cables
and Pipelines
[Accessed 2024 03 18].
Aggregate ExtractionEMODnet,
Human Activities,
Aggregate Extraction
[Accessed 14 12 2023].
FishingCeremaCH4 Réglementation pêche
[Accessed 20 03 2024].
FishingCeremaPlanification des espaces maritimes: carte des vocations
[Accessed 20 03 2024].
Natura2000EEANatura 2000 –
Spatial Data
[Accessed 11 03 2024].
OSPAR habitat statusOSPAR Data and Information Management SystemState of benthic habitats and seafloor integrity
[Accessed 11 03 2024].
Offshore Wind FarmsEMODnet,
Cerema, Ministère de la Transition Écologique
Human Activities, Energy, Wind Farms
[Accessed 25 10 2023].