The University of Stuttgart founded in 1829 has over 26,000 students and 5,200 members of staff. With its vision of “Intelligent systems for a sustainable society” it defines the distinct “Stuttgart Way”, which stands for consistent interdisciplinary networking of complementary specialist disciplines as well as integrating engineering, science, humanities and social studies. Its pre-eminent position as a globally networked research university is reflected, among other things, by the two Clusters of Excellence “Data-integrated simulation science” and “Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture”, the research campus ARENA2036, its participation in the “Cybervalley” network as well as in numerous special research areas and graduate programs. Simulation science, production technologies, quantum technologies, digital humanities as well as the topic of adaptive building stand out as particular highlights in the University of Stuttgart’s research program. University of Stuttgart has a proven track record of EU funded research projects. In Horizon 2020, the University of Stuttgart is participating in 129 projects with an overall budget of 59.9 Mio. €.
The faculty Civil and Environmental Engineering consists of 14 institutes with 21 departments and over 400 employees. We offer consecutives Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, Master’s programs in English, and three extra-occupational Master’s programs. There is a strong research expertise of the faculty in computational mechanics, structural engineering, infrastructure planning and modelling water and environmental system, which widened through common research projects with faculties e.g. Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy, Mechanical Engineering and Chemistry. Civil and environmental engineers are in charge of designing both the built and natural environments. Civil and Environmental Engineers use resources and produce durable goods, which have to be operated and maintained over long periods of time, as well as renewed at the end of their life cycle. Currently, many institutes are involved in two Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1244 Adaptive skins and structures for the built environment of tomorrow and SFB 1313: Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media – Flow, Transport and Deformation.
The Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS) is organized in five departments (LWW, LH2, LHG, VEGAS, and LS3) with about 90 employees dedicated to a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research. The approaches are based on theoretical and numerical models, field campaigns, and data and system analysis, including the development of new methods in high-performance computing environments. The topics of the institute`s research and development are multiscale and multiphysics processes, flow and transport processes in porous media, forecast of extreme weather and climatic conditions, stochastic simulation and safety research for hydro-systems, management and design of energy storage systems, hydropower plants and hydraulic machineries and impact of hydraulic engineering measures on the ambient environment. The basic research is generally supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and other funding bodies (BMBF, BMWi, EU, State of Baden-Württemberg). In application oriented projects, we work together with public institutions, organizations, and engineering consultants, to work on solutions for concrete scientific questions. The institute has a track record of 7 EU projects in different programs investigating the sustainable, future-proof, and secure use of our environment and water resources.
Role in the Project
University of Stuttgart is involved in site assessment (civil structures), conceptual design of hydropower scheme dealing with existing structures and new constructions in different ambient conditions (e.g. topology, infrastructure, construction specification) as well as in measurements of structural machine related parameters as input for numerical simulations.