IHE Delft is the largest international water education facility in the world. Its mission is to contribute to the education and training of water professionals and build capacity to organisations active in the fields of water and environment. IHE Delft has provided graduate education to more than 15,000 water professionals from 162 countries. Over 150 Ph.D. fellows are currently enrolled in water-related research and more than 120 water research and capacity development projects are carried out throughout the world at any one time.
IHE Delft centers its education, research and capacity development programmes around six key themes: Safe Drinking Water & Sanitation, Water-Related Hazards & Climate Change, Water & Ecosystems Quality, Water Management & Governance, Water, Information & Knowledge Systems and Food & Energy Security which is the most relevant for this proposal. Through each of these themes, the Institute addresses the major water issues and challenges faced at an international level. Together with Universiti Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia IHE Delft has developed a joint MSc Programme on Water Engineering (Hydropower Development) / Hydraulic Engineering and River Basin Development. This is one of the few programmes worldwide that addresses the need for Master level professionals with a comprehensive and well-grounded knowledge in the field of hydropower. IHE Delft organizes annually several short courses in the field of hydropower, such as small hydropower planning and design, power waterway design, hydropower development and sustainability of reservoirs. IHE Delft is establishing a working group on Sustainable Hydropower combining IHE’s knowledge in engineering, natural sciences (including hydrology, ecology, etc.) and social sciences (including law, diplomacy, sociology, etc.) and has been contributing to the development of hidden hydropower by promoting high level discussions such as in World Water Week in 2018 and participating in the workgroup IEA Hydro – Hidden Hydropower Opportunities. IHE Delft has vast experience in research projects, funded by a diversified group of national but mainly international institutions, and is leading and participating in several Horizon 2020 projects.
Role in the Project
IHE will be involved in the design of the civil structures with innovative solutions in sectors reservoir sealing, weirs and water transport. Additionally, IHE staff experience in fields of hydraulic, sediment transport and advanced hydraulic numerical modelling will be used.