Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is Sweden’s first university. It is a broad research university with well-defined missions: to conduct research and education of the highest quality and to collaborate with the surrounding community in various ways to help make the world a better place. Our core strength is our combination of living traditions and constant renewal.
The Faculty for Science and Technology constitutes one third of the university and consists of eleven institutions in the subjects of biology, computer science, physics, earth science, chemistry, mathematics and technology.
At the division for Electricity the >80 employees focuses on electricity production from renewable resources www.el.angstrom.uu.se The flagship project concerns wave power, and hydropower where system studies and grid integration are a vital part of the research.
Role in the Project
The people at Uppsala University will be involved in the PTO of the device. Ensuring an efficient and minimal control of the inverters to reduce the mechanical forces and on the turbine and generator/motor unit, at the same time not overstressing the capacitor DC-bus.
Smart choice of power electronic components and regulator settings will ensure safe and smooth operation and control of the device.