WP3 – Power Take-Off (PTO)


A power take off (PTO) powertrain architecture with multidimensional machine-side control will be developed to maximize efficiency and minimize mode switching time of the turbine.


Task 3.1 Performance Oriented Control Strategies, Balancing Available Control Systems [M1-M12]

Task leader: UGent, Partners involved: UGent and UU

In this task, UGent and Uppsala will investigate several control strategies for different fluid machines as defined in WP2. UGent will investigate how the multiple control systems on the machine side, e.g.,  single or double generator/motor control with Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), blade pitching control (if chosen for the design turbine in WP2) and gate control can be used together to achieve the desired power reference tracking. In this, the whole operating range of the system will be taken into account, i.e., both pumping and turbine mode for different head heights and transitions from one operating point to another.

Task 3.2 Boundary Conditions for the Machine-side Control Regarding Wear, Fatigue Loads and Ramping Rates [M7-M24]

Task leader: UGent, Partners involved: UGent and UU

Here, the boundary conditions are determined that need to be taken into account in the development of the control system to limit the impact of control actions on the wear and fatigue loads. Together with dynamic limitations, this will lead to desirable limits on the ramping rates. This task is in collaboration with the grid control (WP6) and turbine (WP2) work packages.

Task 3.3 Study of Power-Electronic Architectures [M13-M24]

Task leader: UGent, Partners involved: UGent and UU

In this task, several topologies are investigated with a focus on their technical feasibility, scalability, efficiency and flexibility towards the control system. Regarding flexibility to both the grid and the machine, it is crucial to investigate to which extent each architecture is capable of delivering which control action, e.g., field oriented control, reactive power control, desired control dynamics, harmonic mitigation, etc. For the counter-rotating double-rotor turbine concepts, a double generator with double AC/DC converter is envisaged, coupled on a shared DC-bus with a single inverter.

Task 3.4 PTO Powertrain Architecture [M13-M24]

Task leader: UGent, Partners involved: UGent and UU

For the three different runner technologies UGent will study the most optimal drivetrain architecture given the system constrains such as mechanical integration, efficiency, economic cost, etc. This study includes both the selection criteria of suitable off-the-shelf powertrain components (electric motor/generator, gearbox, cooling system) as well as the design of custom made components e.g. direct drive electric motor/generator. This study will require scalable parametrized numerical models for both the off-the-shelf and custom-made drivetrain components.

Especially the powertrain design for a RIM-type runner is challenging in terms of geometry constraints. Here, a custom design based on the UGent direct-drive axial flux permanent magnet synchronous motor/generator technology can be studied. This motor/generator topology has an inherent ring structure and combines an excellent efficiency (even at a very low speeds <60rpm) with a lightweight construction.

Different powertrain topologies e.g. geared vs direct drive will be compared and optimized to achieve the required technical system performance parameters. This will result in a pareto optimal front that facilitates the selection of a powertrain architecture and will also help to understand the influence of key parameters e.g. the influence of the gear ratio vs. the dimensions of the motor/generator.

In the whole design process, the powertrain’s design is optimized for a scenario (“drive cycle”, “use cycle”) rather than for a nominal set-point, i.e., full cycle optimization. These scenarios are defined by the grid control, determined in WP5.

The availability of these parametrized and scalable models for powertrain components will result the proper design of the +/-50kW device under test, but will also lead to a virtual design of a 10MW PTO.

Task 3.5 Full Multi-Dimensional Model-Based Predictive (MPC) Control System [M19-M48]

Task leader: UGent, Partners involved: UGent and UU

A full multi-dimensional model-based predictive control system is developed to achieve accurate tracking of the reference power, as provided by the grid-side control developed in WP5. The possible control dimensions are blade pitching (if chosen in WP2), gate control and the torque setpoint(s) of the single or double generator. In the case of a double generator, the rotational speeds of both machines will be considered as independent control variables, as a speed difference can have a positive impact on the performance of counter-rotating turbine systems. This impact will be investigated with CFD simulations in WP2.  Starting from the results of task 3.1, in this control system, the boundary conditions regarding wear, impact on fatigue loads and limitations on ramping rates of Task 3.2 are incorporated. The limitations of the power-electronic architecture (Task 3.3) and the PTO hardware (Task 3.4), are also incorporated. The control is developed based on two modelling techniques of the turbine rotor:

  • Quasi-static modelling based on simulated or measured power-coefficient characteristic curves (e.g., power coefficient CP, lift coefficient CL, drag coefficient CD, etc.)
  • Blade-Element-Method (BEM) based modelling of the rotor. The BEM model is developed based on CFD simulations.

Task 3.6 PTO Construction and Dry Testing at TRL4 [M25-M48]

Task leader: UGent, Partners involved: UGent and UU

The results of the Tasks 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 are validated on a +/-50kW dry test setup. For this, a power-electronic prototype is constructed based on Task 3.3. An AF-PMSM is constructed based on Task 3.4. The control concept of Task 3.5 is implemented. A set of realistic validation scenarios are defined as test cases to perform the experimental validation. On the test rig the turbine will be replaced with another electrical machine that will mimic the behaviour of the turbine (input from WP2).


D3.1 Report with control concepts for power reference tracking

Lead participant: UGent
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M12

D3.2 Report related to mechanical boundary conditions and potential power-electronic architectures

Lead participant: UU
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M24

D3.3 Virtual design of the 10MW PTO based on parametrized and scalable models

Lead participant: UGent
Type: Other
Dissemination level: CO
Delivery date: M24

D3.4 Detailed design of the powertrain for the +/-50kW device under test

Lead participant: UGent
Type: Other
Dissemination level: CO
Delivery date: M24

D3.5 Small-scale PTO constructed

Lead participant: UGent
Type: Other
Dissemination level: CO
Delivery date: M30

D3.6 Report on the dry-test validation of PTO incl. control at TRL4

Lead participant: UGent
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M36

D3.7 Full MPC control system as envisioned for the 10MW device

Lead participant: UGent
Type: Other
Dissemination level: CO
Delivery date: M48