WP2 – Turbine Design


Turbine design: application of laboratory and numerical methods to develop propeller type and positive displacement runners and casings that operate efficiently in both pump and turbine modes, allow for rapid mode switching (pump/turbine modes) with low fatigue loading, and result in minimal fish mortality.


Task 2.1 Design and CFD Optimization of Model Axial CR RPT [M1-M9]

Task leader: CHALMERS, Partners involved: ADT, CHALMERS, and NTNU

The CR RPT technology is initially divided into two configurations; axle driven (2.1.1) and rim driven (2.1.2). For both configurations, prototype scale design is found using simplified analysis in order to find a design that is complying prototype scale constraints. When this prototype design is found, a scale down procedure will be executed and the model designs be found ( and The work leading up to this will be performed in parallel, with ADT and Chalmers working specifically on each configuration.

Task 2.2 Manufacture and Model CR RPT Experimental Validation [M5-M20]

Task leader: TUB, Partners involved: ADT, CHALMERS, and TUB

Before the axial runner designs have been finalized, model test set-up will be initiated (2.2.1).  The manufacture of the model(s) will start when the model design has been determined by tasks and Tests will be performed (2.2.2) providing validation data for the numerical analysis. Validation (2.2.3) will overlap with experimental tests to enable a possible iteration between validation and experiments if additional experimental data is needed.

Task 2.3 Multidisciplinary Optimization of Positive Displacement RPT [M1-M24]

Task leader: NTNU, Partners involved: CHALMERS and NTNU

An initial design is available, and CFD will be performed on this design (2.3.1). An experimental test will be set up (2.3.2) and measurements will be performed at Chalmers using index matching PIV technique (2.3.3). Data from these tests will be used as a base for validation of the CFD results (2.3.4). A simplified FSI analysis and system dynamics investigation will be made, finding loads on the structure as well as possible problems due to cyclic pressure excitations leading to wave interference issues and seiche phenomena (2.3.5). All aspects taken into consideration, a multidisciplinary upscaling and optimization is carried out (2.3.6).

Task 2.4 Upscaling to Full Scale prototype [M20-M48]

Task leader: ADT, Partners involved: ADT, CHALMERS, and NTNU

In parallel to to 2.3.6, upscaling  to full scale design will be performed for the axial type machines. This will consist of numerical investigations of both fluid and structural domains and optimizations of the performance of one of the axial type deemed most promising from the preliminary investigations, also including fish survival aspects (2.4.1). Investigation of the properties for fast mode transition and possible limitations due to the physics involved will be performed as an integral part (2.4.2)

Task 2.5 Fish Survival Parameters [M7-M24]

Task leader: UNITUS, Partners involved: UNITUS

This is performed in the first part of the project, and will be a literature study on fish mortality and migration patterns, linking this to the detailed fluid mechanics involved in the technologies investigated in this project. University of Tuscia will apply CFD simulation results of Task, and 2.3.1 together with desktop studies of existing turbine technologies to generate fish mortality functions related to pressure drop, blade spacing, blade radii of curvature, blade tip speed, and drive type (shaft-driven vs. rim-driven). This will help determine the species for the field tests of WP4.


D2.1 Report of Shaft Driven Design

Lead participant: CHALMERS
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M9

D2.2 Report of Rim Driven Design

Lead participant: ADT
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M9

D2.3 Report and data files: Open access experimental data from CR model tests

Lead participant: TUB
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M9

D2.4 Reports and CAD files: Multidisciplinary optimized PD design

Lead participant: NTNU
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M9

D2.5 Data files: Experimental data from model tests of PD design

Lead participant: CHALMERS
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M13

D2.6 Report: Fish mortality to be expected from prototype scale turbine

Lead participant: UNITUS
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M24

D2.7 Report and CAD files: Open access optimized prototype design of RDCR or SDCR

Lead participant: CHALMERS
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M48

D2.8 Report: Summary of findings containing table of ranked parameters for each turbine type considered

Lead participant: ADT
Type: R
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: M48